Hong Huahui tells a reporter, regard real wood furniture as medium high-end fractionize market, annual produce of domestic hardwood goods was controlled in 160 billion yuan 2014, but production build a bench with a backrest and sale business are close 30 thousand, annual produce surpasses 20 million yuan industry only many 4800, whole industry has not produce market share to surpass the furniture company of 1% at contemporary outdoor wall panels screens present.

The annatto manufacturer of 70% above still is domestic mill type, "Husband is a boss, wife is financial chief inspector, employ a few 20 workers, do a brand and door shop, only this just.poly material to build outdoor furniture  Only this just..

In addition, of raw material rare be short of those who reach price wave motion to still bring about annatto to contraband an activity to appear, this is normative to running, outdoor floor covering materials over existing decks foreign endangered card, entrance passes the double card such as sheet the enterprise of raw material of annatto of all ready entrance also causes very big impact.