This is bringing about silvan large area to decrease, the concern is more and more intense, because government of West Africa state discovers, export ban makes a businessman transfer the lumber that becomes a lorry to the haven of neighbour instead. Look from rose wood supply, of China 7 supply national capital to buy wood composite panels in india be in greatly Africa, nigeria ranks head of a list of names posted up, ghana ranks 3. Say according to mobile personage and Senegal government, the Gambia that the area is less than Nigeria diy dance floor outdoor from pallets far is ranked the 4th, because it transports rose timber illegally from neighbour Senegal, this is the one part that illegal trade encircles between country and country.
The report says, in the world wood of the oldest rose consumes a country China, nearly mad to the demand of rose wood, because it is used at making the archaize furniture grill mats for bbq on the deck with complex sculpture, welcome by middle class consumer. Importer is first the forest of neighbour of have sth in mind, but when southeast Asia after reserve is almost extinct, trafficker began to change eye to West Africa 2009, there is cheaper tree to plant over there.
The report says, the silvan trend researcher that headquarters sets in Washington is graceful Aomi Baxike Teleina says in the phone: "On one hand, southeast Asia tree is planted cost composite fencing Canada by excessive fell trees, be close to eradicating, on the other hand, more Chinese consumer are taking money to want to buy rose timber. African rose wood has the sort of burnish, but the price is lower, demand is accordingly exuberant. Demand is accordingly exuberant..