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Other applications
The handles of the Victorinox Swiss Army knives are made of PVC.
PVC has been used for a host of consumer products. One of its earliest mass-market consumer applications was vinyl record production. More recent examples include wallcovering, greenhouses, home playgrounds, foam and other toys, custom truck toppers (tarpaulins), ceiling tiles and other kinds of interior cladding.
PVC piping is cheaper than metals used in musical instrument making; it is therefore a common alternative when making instruments, often for leisure or for rarer instruments such as the contrabass flute.
Chlorinated PVC
Main article: Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
PVC can be usefully modified by chlorination, which increases its chlorine content to 67%. CPVC, as it is called, is produced by chlorination of aqueous solution of suspension PVC particles followed by exposure to UV light which initiates the free-radical chlorination.[7] An extensive market for CPVC is in pipe for use in office building, apartment and condominium fire protection. CPVC also has a higher heat resistance so is primarily used for hot water pipe and fittings, but it is more expensive and it is found only in niche applications, such as some water heaters and specialized clothing.