<p>proper share in today’s market, beware of “pulling the stalls too much”,<a href='http://tobaccobox.biz/cheap-fence/4480.html'>picture frame moulding suppliers</a> concentrate on the advantages of doing something practical, use products to “get the world”, and at the same time protect patents, so as to obtain increasingly “critical” The consumer's favor.planing sawing diy composite panelsAt present, the fierce market competition in the flooring industry has caused many small and medium-sized brands to struggle. The pace of industry reshuffle is accelerating. It is </p>
<p>expected that 60% of floor companies will be eliminated in the next three years. The scope of shuffling has been extended to the entire flooring industry, affecting thousands of flooring companies.<a href='http://staceykane.net/wpc-panel/4592-clapboard-cladding-south-africa.html'>clapboard cladding south africa</a> Recently, Zhang Lin, president of the Forest Products Industry Association,deck framing balcony said: “Now there are nearly 5,500 flooring companies in the country that compete. This number should be reduced. The final consolidation will be 100 or so. The </p>
<p>industry can be considered on the right track.”<a href='http://tobaccobox.biz/wpc-deck/3429.html'>cheap wooden fence posts</a> Timber Distribution Association Flooring Professional Committee Gao Zhihua believes that there will be no more than 100 floor brands that will truly dominate the Chinese market in the future, and further integration will be possible.deluxe arched garden pergola model number In the end, there may be only 50, and in Europe, there will be only 20 brands. According to industry analysts, in the face of the inevitable reshuffle crisis, 60% of </p>