<p>According to Lu Xinguang, Chairman of Anxin Flooring,<a href='http://videoworthy.org/wpc-decking/8985-prices-on-wall-cladding-in-south-africa.html'>prices on wall cladding in south africa</a> the cooperation with Carlyle is based on the very close cooperation between the two parties and the investment philosophy of Carlyle will bring capital, international advanced management experience and sales channels.eastern canada composite furniture Zhang Lin revealed that at present there are still some of the more powerful flooring manufacturers in the country are actively brewing cooperation with foreign </p>
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<p>also growing rapidly, <a href='http://mrcpe.in/cheap-fence/1757-how-to-install-laminate-flooring-on-stair-steps.html'>how to install laminate flooring on stair steps</a>and has become the exception of the European Union. The largest exporter of wooden flooring outside. According to Zhang Lin, the current market for wood flooring in China is increasing at a rate of 25%-30% per year. The output value of 2003 exceeded 30 billion yuan.cost of wood used for swimming pools in malaysia Chinese brands have gradually standardized and expanded the number of Chinese flooring brands, which has led to a mixed situation in the flooring </p>