Pan Am floor, select only a quarter of the best parts of high-quality timber, never use head and tail material, while leather! Pan reason why more than a decade has always been seated in the high-end solid wood floor, precisely because of this species picky but resolute selection concept.

As early as six years ago, namely the Pan American has entered the world's largest virgin forest in the Brazilian Amazon, the establishment of a Pan Am floor production base of raw materials, opening up a new pattern of the domestic advanced solid wood flooring. At present, the domestic market is almost all Brazilian precious species introduced by Pan Am pioneered.

For sixteen years, Pan Am floor in the material always adhere to the stringent selection criteria. Such a requirement, for many domestic enterprises are too extravagant. But the Pan American business managers believe: each piece of the factory floor are the Inter-American brand logo must be hard, focused.

In recent years, the Pan American is to increase the intensity of mining precious tree species around the world, we launched a series of high-quality solid wood flooring, such as a drop gland beans, beans Bowditch gentleman wood, Asian pear, elephant ears beans, teak, paint markings wood, heavy wood ants, etc., more in line with the requirements of modern home fashion, wonderful Pan Am floor personality and taste combination.

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