"Buy a new beige floor now become as brown as chestnuts, agents said discoloration is normal, in the end who bear responsibility?" This morning, members of the public Mr. King to the newspaper reflect his own experience.
This morning, the reporter came to Hui Valley cell Golden Kim's home and found the floor color is similar with chestnut color, and cardboard-covered floor, or beige. According to Mr. King introduced last May, he decorated the city of Qingdao Hi-tech Park to buy a "great beauty Pigeonpea" parquet, floor laid later, they found the floor color gradually becomes deeper, and finally into the present chestnut color. Kim told reporters, according to the color of the overall layout of the room, he deliberately chose to buy the floor beige, but now it becomes a chestnut color.
This afternoon, the reporter contacted the Qingdao agents Tong floor manager, he said that the floor may be discolored in contact with air oxidized results, but this is normal color, the floor does not belong to the quality problems. Quality inspection by the city staff said color change whether the quality of the floor, there is no relevant national standards.
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